
Friday, 28 September 2012

Italian Singham

Few Months back , Indian Hindi Movie was in theaters and name was  Singham . Means Person like a lion .Now Days Indian Politics also as singham . His name is Singh , means Loin  But I am not sure whether he is like Loin or not . In Movie  hero of this movie comes forward to help poor people like a loin heart and dares to do  any thing  to help people .Our Politician Singham is also like this . He is Doing every thing to help his Italian   Master . Actually , he is  existing in double personalities . In Both personalities he  behaving like a loin . For Indian population  , he is loin , about every body is afraid off. When ever he roars , all Indian population goes in their houses , because, when ever he spoke , he came up with  price rises in general commodities , which already out of reach  these poor guys . So When ever, Indian see that their prime minister  going to address the nation means they  are in trouble .
His Second personalty is also like a loin , who works for his Italian masters . He dare to suppress already dieing Indian Population  . He goes forward with his decisions, regardless  the mercy conditions of Indian populations . This time  he came up  roaring for FDI  entry in to India. He wanted  his Italian masters happy . So he did not care about the UPA partners , he did care about opposition parties. I do not know what to say about this guy .In His 8 years regime he spoke  with confidence only two  times , when  he was about to sign nuke deal and the second time when he  allowed  multinationals in to  retail sector .  This will definitely kill  a large Industry . They always talk about  how come this system is working in USA and Canada . Dear Prime minister you are economist and you must know some basics of this subject . I wanted to tell you that these countries has a very well established  distribution system . We do not have that in our country . These countries do not have enough population to run their agriculture  affairs and those farms are ran by big farming companies . They do not have  1-2 acres  Farmers , who sell their products along road side . So Once Wall mart comes these  small farmers , these  hawkers will vanish and  will be begging on road .These wall mart like  companies are like  double edge swords which is going to  kill Indians  in both way .Small farmers and shopkeepers will be done in competition and medium  and high class will  be robbed by these companies by selling Chinese Items . Only and Only benefit will be gone to Wall mart and the party who got  commission to  allow them in India 

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